UK Feminist Psychology: Lasting Legacies and Feminist Futures


The history of feminist psychology in the UK is a fascinating one. It took substantial campaigning for feminist psychology to become established within professional Psychology. This wasn’t because there weren’t any feminists who wanted to organise - it was because they weren’t allowed to!

Around this time, an intrepid group of feminists known as WIPS! (Women in Psychology) were trying to establish a similar group in the UK.

In 1987, the group were finally given official status within the British Psychological Society (BPS), where they named themselves the Psychology of Women Section (POWS).

The feminists that organised it were: Sue Wilkinson, Jan Burns, Paula Nicolson, Janet Sayers, Jane Ussher, Marilyn Aitkenhead, Linda Greenbury, Mat Idema, Sandra Oliver, Sheila Rossan and Alison Thomas.

Since then, POWS changed its name to POWES to stand for Psychology of Women and Equalities Section to reflect its inclusive and wider equalities perspective.

In countries such as Turkey, Spain, China, Brazil, India, and Israel and many others, no such formal structures for feminist psychology exist... but that’s not to say there aren’t any feminist psychologists!

In this exhibit, we will explore UK-based feminist psychology including and beyond POWES. Our aims are to protect the legacy of feminist work in UK Psychology and ensure wider access to this history. Please choose one of the following three pathways to explore further:

This exhibit is based on a project which involved collecting and curating material and documents relating to POWES, and conducting oral history interviews with 13 key UK feminist psychologists. These included:

The project was funded by the British Psychological Society, and was partially funded by the Open Psychology Research Centre at the Open University. The project upon which this exhibit is based was conducted by Professor Rose Capdevila, Dr Katherine Hubbard, and Dr Lois Donnelly.


Jilbert Ebrahimi

Andrej Lišakov

Katarzyna Pypla