Where do you start?
There are books about queer history, articles with intriguing titles, profiles of queer icons, youtube videos, web resources ... take your pick!





History is a good place to start!
Here are some of our favorite sources to whet your appetite for queer(ing) psychology content. We don't want to overwhelm you! These histories focus on psychology/sexology and queerness specifically, as opposed to more general histories of LGBTQ+ issues, identities, and activism (which is a huge body of literature).
Gill-Peterson, J. (2018). Histories of the transgender child. University of Minnesota Press.
Hegarty, P. (2018). A recent history of lesbian and gay psychology: From homophobia to LGBT. Routledge. Listen to Peter Hegarty here
Hubbard, K. (2020). Queer ink: A blotted history towards liberation. Routledge.
Minton, H. L. (1997). Queer theory: Historical roots and implications for psychology. Theory and Psychology, 7(3), 337-353.
Pettit, M. (2012). The queer life of a lab rat. History of Psychology, 15(3), 217-227.
Rutherford, A., Hegarty, P. & Kazak, A. (Eds.) (2019). 50 Years since Stonewall: The science and politics of sexual orientation and gender diversity. American Psychologist, 74(8). Whole issue.
Snorton, C. R. (2017). Black on both sides: A racial history of trans identity. University of Minnesota Press.
Spandler, H., & Carr, S. (2021). A history of lesbian politics and the psy professions. Feminism & Psychology, 31(1), 119–139.
Now how about some more people here at Psychology's Feminist Voices who have been queering psychology in various ways?
Click on a card to read more!
Want to watch some more videos? Here are some leads.
Here are some other great resources available on the web (we could go on and on, but we'll leave you here!):
Radical Healing Collective
QueeringPsychology: An Applied Psychotherapy Resource
Homoscopes: Queer Spirituality and Symbolism in 1970s Lesbian Print
Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria