About Us
Alexandra Rutherford
Alexandra Rutherford is a professor in the Historical, Theoretical, and Critical Studies of Psychology graduate program at York University, and is also affiliated with the Gender, Feminist, and Women's Studies graduate program. She is a founding member of the Critical Psychology Network-Canada.
Rutherford is a past-president of The Society for General Psychology (APA Div 1) and the Society for the History of Psychology. She is a fellow of both, as well as the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Society for the Psychology of Women and the Canadian Psychological Association. She was the 2023 recipient of the Carolyn Wood Sherif Award, the highest award granted by the Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Div 35) for "sustained and substantial contributions to the of psychology of women as a scholar, teacher, mentor, and leader." Her contributions have also been recognized with the 2022 Career Achievement Award from the Society for the History of Psychology, the 2016 Florence Denmark Distinguished Mentoring Award from the Association for Women in Psychology and the 2011 Award of Distinction from the Section on Women and Psychology of the Canadian Psychological Association for her contributions to feminist psychology. Her work has been highlighted in The Atlantic, Toronto Star, Washington Post, and Smithsonian Magazine and she has served as a guest columnist for the Behavioral Scientist.
Rutherford was the editor of the Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences from 2020-2023, and Associate Editor for the American Psychologist from 2019-2023. She is also an Associate Editor for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of the History of Psychology and the Psychology Advisory Editor for American National Biography. She is the lead editor of the Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights (2011; New York: Springer) which features chapters on the development of feminist psychologies in diverse geopolitical contexts and was the winner of the 2012 Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology.
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Alexandra Rutherford
Alexandra Rutherford is a professor in the Historical, Theoretical, and Critical Studies of Psychology graduate program at York University, and is also affiliated with the Gender, Feminist, and Women's Studies graduate program. She is a founding member of the Critical Psychology Network-Canada.
Rutherford is a past-president of The Society for General Psychology (APA Div 1) and the Society for the History of Psychology. She is a fellow of both, as well as the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Society for the Psychology of Women and the Canadian Psychological Association. She was the 2023 recipient of the Carolyn Wood Sherif Award, the highest award granted by the Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Div 35) for "sustained and substantial contributions to the of psychology of women as a scholar, teacher, mentor, and leader." Her contributions have also been recognized with the 2022 Career Achievement Award from the Society for the History of Psychology, the 2016 Florence Denmark Distinguished Mentoring Award from the Association for Women in Psychology and the 2011 Award of Distinction from the Section on Women and Psychology of the Canadian Psychological Association for her contributions to feminist psychology. Her work has been highlighted in The Atlantic, Toronto Star, Washington Post, and Smithsonian Magazine and she has served as a guest columnist for the Behavioral Scientist.
Rutherford was the editor of the Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences from 2020-2023, and Associate Editor for the American Psychologist from 2019-2023. She is also an Associate Editor for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of the History of Psychology and the Psychology Advisory Editor for American National Biography. She is the lead editor of the Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights (2011; New York: Springer) which features chapters on the development of feminist psychologies in diverse geopolitical contexts and was the winner of the 2012 Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology.