About Us
Jennifer Bazar
Dr. Jennifer Bazar is the Assistant Director of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology at the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio and a PFV Steering Committee Member. Bazar is the former Curator for the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre at Humber College in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. She is a former postdoctoral fellow at York University and the University of Toronto-Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Ontario, Canada and curator/architect of the Remembering Oakridge Digital Archive and Exhibit. Dr. Bazar earned her PhD in the History and Theory of Psychology Program at York University. Her work has appeared on the US Television show "Who Do You Think You Are?", in publications for the popular press, and in academic journals such as History of Psychology, Candian Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, and the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. She is a former Electronics Editor for the Society for the History of Psychology (American Psychological Assoc Div 26) and the 2016 co-winner of the Division 26 Early Career Psychologist Award. Dr. Bazar is a sought after speaker and a strong supporter of public history and community engagement within Ontario and beyond. Her local service was recognized by the Etobicoke-Lakeshore community in 2019 as a finalist for the Community Champions Peoples Choice Award. Dr. Bazar's primary research interests include the history of asylums and asylum patients in the nineteenth century, archival theory, museum studies, and the history of psychological laboratories. For more information.
Project Collaborators and International Teams
Team Members

Jennifer Bazar
Dr. Jennifer Bazar is the Assistant Director of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology at the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio and a PFV Steering Committee Member. Bazar is the former Curator for the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre at Humber College in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. She is a former postdoctoral fellow at York University and the University of Toronto-Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Ontario, Canada and curator/architect of the Remembering Oakridge Digital Archive and Exhibit. Dr. Bazar earned her PhD in the History and Theory of Psychology Program at York University. Her work has appeared on the US Television show "Who Do You Think You Are?", in publications for the popular press, and in academic journals such as History of Psychology, Candian Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, and the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. She is a former Electronics Editor for the Society for the History of Psychology (American Psychological Assoc Div 26) and the 2016 co-winner of the Division 26 Early Career Psychologist Award. Dr. Bazar is a sought after speaker and a strong supporter of public history and community engagement within Ontario and beyond. Her local service was recognized by the Etobicoke-Lakeshore community in 2019 as a finalist for the Community Champions Peoples Choice Award. Dr. Bazar's primary research interests include the history of asylums and asylum patients in the nineteenth century, archival theory, museum studies, and the history of psychological laboratories. For more information.