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Alexis Fabricius
Alexis Fabricius (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Applied Social Psychology program at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada under the supervision of Dr. Kieran O'Doherty. Her research explores the implications of integrating AI and big data into our scientific and health care domains, and why doing so compels us to reconsider the established practices, norms, values, and ethics that have historically shaped these contexts. She has examined how the use of data linking challenges current research ethics, how the integration of AI-based clinical decision support systems place stress on trust in patient-physician relations, and how the rising use of big data in psychology advances colonial logics. Alexis draws on qualitative methods and insights from a range of disciplines and theoretical lenses (e.g., critical and theoretical psychologies, feminist theories, STS, critical data studies, philosophy and history of science, new materialisms, posthumanism). In her dissertation, Alexis is exploring how period- and fertility-tracking apps are forcing us to re-think what constitutes care.
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Alexis Fabricius
Alexis Fabricius (she/her) is a PhD candidate in the Applied Social Psychology program at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada under the supervision of Dr. Kieran O'Doherty. Her research explores the implications of integrating AI and big data into our scientific and health care domains, and why doing so compels us to reconsider the established practices, norms, values, and ethics that have historically shaped these contexts. She has examined how the use of data linking challenges current research ethics, how the integration of AI-based clinical decision support systems place stress on trust in patient-physician relations, and how the rising use of big data in psychology advances colonial logics. Alexis draws on qualitative methods and insights from a range of disciplines and theoretical lenses (e.g., critical and theoretical psychologies, feminist theories, STS, critical data studies, philosophy and history of science, new materialisms, posthumanism). In her dissertation, Alexis is exploring how period- and fertility-tracking apps are forcing us to re-think what constitutes care.