About Us

Shari Miles Cohen

Dr. Shari Miles-Cohen is the former Director of the Women's Program Office, American Psychological Association in Washington, DC. In collaboration with Dr. Cathy Faye, Margaret Clark Morgan Executive Director of the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, at the University of Akron, Akron, OH, in the United States, and in partnership with Dr. Alexandra Rutherford, Psychology’s Feminist Voices, Shari co- created and developed the I am Psyched! exhibit and tour to engage young women and girls of color in exploring how psychology can improve their daily lives, create positive social change, and to be excited and engaged with the history of psychology and the museum experience. I am Psyched! originated as part of the Smithsonian Institution Museum Day Live! in 2016 in coordination with the then-White House Council on Women and Girls. The I am Psyched! National Tour including the traveling exhibit launched in February 2017 at Howard University in Washington, D.C. The collaboration resulted in the chapter "I Am Psyched! Using the Museum Experience to Engage Girls of Colour with Psychology" in J. C. Ashton (Ed.) (2017) Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption, and Change (v2). For more information or to develop a #IamPsychedTour event.