About Us
Lea-Jule Gerbert
Lea-Jule Gerbert completed her bachelor's degree in psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She is currently continuing her education through a master’s degree in "Gender, Culture and Social Change" in Innsbruck, as well as through courses in the Master's program "Gender Studies" at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She has worked as a student assistant in the projects “Feminist Voices in Vienna” and “The psychological is participatory – Feminist critical participatory action research with women’s counseling centers and their clients”, PI Dr. Nora Ruck. Her personal and academic interests include critical social research, the accessibility of academic knowledge, feminism and gender, queer concepts and lifestyles, and the connection of scientific disciplines with political activism.
Project Collaborators and International Teams
Team Members

Lea-Jule Gerbert
Lea-Jule Gerbert completed her bachelor's degree in psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She is currently continuing her education through a master’s degree in "Gender, Culture and Social Change" in Innsbruck, as well as through courses in the Master's program "Gender Studies" at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She has worked as a student assistant in the projects “Feminist Voices in Vienna” and “The psychological is participatory – Feminist critical participatory action research with women’s counseling centers and their clients”, PI Dr. Nora Ruck. Her personal and academic interests include critical social research, the accessibility of academic knowledge, feminism and gender, queer concepts and lifestyles, and the connection of scientific disciplines with political activism.