About Us
Cara Goldberg
Cara Goldberg is a multilingual facilitator and interdisciplinary doctoral student in the Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies department at York University. Her Master’s project "The "Right" Touch: Negotiating Invisible and Variable Impairments With/In Embodied Interactions", in Critical Disability Studies at York University, was awarded the 2016 Bengt Lindqvist Human Rights Prize. Cara's current research focuses on socio-cultural and legal issues affecting people with disabilities in both public and more intimate/sexy settings – particularly, those involving the negotiation of circumstances in which impairments and disabilities are not always obvious (or “visible”) to all involved. Her work has been published in Critical Disability Discourses and the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. Cara currently holds a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) and acts as guest Editor for the PFV Blog Standpoints.
Project Collaborators and International Teams
Team Members

Cara Goldberg
Cara Goldberg is a multilingual facilitator and interdisciplinary doctoral student in the Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies department at York University. Her Master’s project "The "Right" Touch: Negotiating Invisible and Variable Impairments With/In Embodied Interactions", in Critical Disability Studies at York University, was awarded the 2016 Bengt Lindqvist Human Rights Prize. Cara's current research focuses on socio-cultural and legal issues affecting people with disabilities in both public and more intimate/sexy settings – particularly, those involving the negotiation of circumstances in which impairments and disabilities are not always obvious (or “visible”) to all involved. Her work has been published in Critical Disability Discourses and the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. Cara currently holds a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) and acts as guest Editor for the PFV Blog Standpoints.