About Us

Jacy Young
Dr. Jacy L. Young is an independent scholar, analyst, and consultant in Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada and a PFV Steering Committee Member. Prior to this she completed a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. She earned her PhD in the History and Theory of Psychology Program at York University. Her work explores the methods and practices of the human sciences and her publications have appeared in History of the Human Sciences, History of Psychology, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Feminism & Psychology, and other outlets. Dr. Young is the Treasurer & Corresponding Secretary for the Forum for the History of the Human Sciences (interest group of the History of Science Society). The founding Editor and currently consulting editor for the PFV Blog Standpoints, she also edits and blogs regularly at Advances in the History of Psychology and serves as Review Editor for the Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences. For more information see here.