About Us
Laura Ball
Laura C. Ball is a doctoral candidate in History, Theory, and Critical Studies of Psychology program and an instructor at York University. She is the current Knowledge Translation and Implementation Coordinator for Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Ontario, Canada. Laura has a BA(Hons) from the University of Western Ontario. Her primary research areas include the historical and contemporary construction of high ability (genius, giftedness), history of women in psychology, feminist psychology, history of behavioural genetics, and forensic psychology. She is the coordinator for the “Waypoint Talks” seminar series and has served as the former chair of the Heritage Committee of the APA (Div 35) Society for the Psychology of Women. Ball is on the student editorial board for the Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, and is a former treasurer/secretary for the Historical and Philosophical Psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association. Her publications can be seen in Evaluations & the Health Professions, History of Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Canadian Psychology, American Psychologist, and History of the Human Sciences. For more information.
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Laura Ball
Laura C. Ball is a doctoral candidate in History, Theory, and Critical Studies of Psychology program and an instructor at York University. She is the current Knowledge Translation and Implementation Coordinator for Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Ontario, Canada. Laura has a BA(Hons) from the University of Western Ontario. Her primary research areas include the historical and contemporary construction of high ability (genius, giftedness), history of women in psychology, feminist psychology, history of behavioural genetics, and forensic psychology. She is the coordinator for the “Waypoint Talks” seminar series and has served as the former chair of the Heritage Committee of the APA (Div 35) Society for the Psychology of Women. Ball is on the student editorial board for the Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, and is a former treasurer/secretary for the Historical and Philosophical Psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association. Her publications can be seen in Evaluations & the Health Professions, History of Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Canadian Psychology, American Psychologist, and History of the Human Sciences. For more information.