About Us
Elisabeth Parzer
Mag. Elisabeth Parzer is a lecturer at the University of Vienna and a research assistant in Dr. Nora Ruck's project "The Psychological is Political" at Sigmund Freud Private University. Parzer completed her magister's studies in psychology at the University of Vienna and wrote her diploma thesis on women's contraception practice, which was inspired by her many years of work at the Museum für Verhütung und Schwangerschaftsabbruch (Museum of Contraception and Abortion) in Vienna. Her research interests lie in particular in the field of psychological women's and gender studies. For more information.
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Elisabeth Parzer
Mag. Elisabeth Parzer is a lecturer at the University of Vienna and a research assistant in Dr. Nora Ruck's project "The Psychological is Political" at Sigmund Freud Private University. Parzer completed her magister's studies in psychology at the University of Vienna and wrote her diploma thesis on women's contraception practice, which was inspired by her many years of work at the Museum für Verhütung und Schwangerschaftsabbruch (Museum of Contraception and Abortion) in Vienna. Her research interests lie in particular in the field of psychological women's and gender studies. For more information.