About Us
Teresa Beaulieu
Dr. Teresa (Tera) Beaulieu is the current Director of the Weaving Wellness Centre, a private clinical and consulting practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Beaulieu is a psychotherapist and Vanier scholar who received her doctorate in Adult Education and Counselling Psychology Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her academic interests include indigenous psychology and Aboriginal mental health, feminist identity, and feminist and Indigenous approaches to counselling and healing. Tera is is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario and previously served as the President of the MNO Toronto & York Region Metis Council . Her program of research, with former advisor Dr. Suzanne L. Stewart, examined the supports and challenges of traditional indigenous knowledge in addressing the life transition needs (mental health, education and employment) of urban Métis homeless peoples. Tera is a former board member of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Program Manager for Aboriginal Services at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) as well as a former coordinator of the Psychology's Feminist Voices oral history project.
Project Collaborators and International Teams
Team Members

Teresa Beaulieu
Dr. Teresa (Tera) Beaulieu is the current Director of the Weaving Wellness Centre, a private clinical and consulting practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Beaulieu is a psychotherapist and Vanier scholar who received her doctorate in Adult Education and Counselling Psychology Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her academic interests include indigenous psychology and Aboriginal mental health, feminist identity, and feminist and Indigenous approaches to counselling and healing. Tera is is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario and previously served as the President of the MNO Toronto & York Region Metis Council . Her program of research, with former advisor Dr. Suzanne L. Stewart, examined the supports and challenges of traditional indigenous knowledge in addressing the life transition needs (mental health, education and employment) of urban Métis homeless peoples. Tera is a former board member of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Program Manager for Aboriginal Services at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) as well as a former coordinator of the Psychology's Feminist Voices oral history project.