About Us
Nora Ruck
Dr. Nora Ruck is Vice Dean of Research and Head of the Ph.D. in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien (Vienna), Austria. Ruck is the current Project Director of the PFV Austria team. Their current research is focused on "The Psychological is Political: A Recent History of Feminist Psychology in Vienna, 1972-2000". Dr. Ruck is a former post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow at Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna and at the History and Theory of Psychology Department at York University. She is also affiliated with the Centre for Feminist Research and the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at York University. Dr. Ruck is a current Co-Editor of Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik and was awarded the Ars Docendi, state award for Excellence in Teaching at Austrian Public Universities, in 2017. Her research is devoted to the social conditions and effects of psychology and her interests include feminist psychology, critical psychology, history of psychology, and feminist epistemology. See Dr. Ruck's home page or profile for more information.
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Nora Ruck
Dr. Nora Ruck is Vice Dean of Research and Head of the Ph.D. in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien (Vienna), Austria. Ruck is the current Project Director of the PFV Austria team. Their current research is focused on "The Psychological is Political: A Recent History of Feminist Psychology in Vienna, 1972-2000". Dr. Ruck is a former post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow at Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna and at the History and Theory of Psychology Department at York University. She is also affiliated with the Centre for Feminist Research and the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at York University. Dr. Ruck is a current Co-Editor of Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik and was awarded the Ars Docendi, state award for Excellence in Teaching at Austrian Public Universities, in 2017. Her research is devoted to the social conditions and effects of psychology and her interests include feminist psychology, critical psychology, history of psychology, and feminist epistemology. See Dr. Ruck's home page or profile for more information.