About Us
Elissa Rodkey
Dr. Elissa Rodkey is an Assistant Professor and Psychology Department Chair at Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada and a PFV Steering Committee Member. She earned her PhD in the History and Theory of Psychology Program at York University and was awarded the Society for the History of Psychology (APA Div 26) Early Career Award in 2019. Her master's thesis research was on Eleanor Gibson and the Visual Cliff experiment. Her dissertation featured emotion theorist Magda Arnold, whose mid-career conversion to Catholicism provides an opportunity for analysis of the relationship between psychology and religion at the mid-20th century. Rodkey uses a feminist framework to analyze the experiences of marginalized psychologists, such as the significance of non-academic networks or communities (e.g. friends, families, and religious groups) for the psychologists' encouragement and intellectual growth. She also draws on feminist critiques of psychology to illuminate episodes of disciplinary failure, such as the history of unrecognized infant pain and the ethical lapses of the American Psychological Association outlined in the Hoffman Report. Her publications appear in the journals History of Psychology, Canadian Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Revista Psicologia e Saúde, and the Journal of Pain. For more information.
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Elissa Rodkey
Dr. Elissa Rodkey is an Assistant Professor and Psychology Department Chair at Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada and a PFV Steering Committee Member. She earned her PhD in the History and Theory of Psychology Program at York University and was awarded the Society for the History of Psychology (APA Div 26) Early Career Award in 2019. Her master's thesis research was on Eleanor Gibson and the Visual Cliff experiment. Her dissertation featured emotion theorist Magda Arnold, whose mid-career conversion to Catholicism provides an opportunity for analysis of the relationship between psychology and religion at the mid-20th century. Rodkey uses a feminist framework to analyze the experiences of marginalized psychologists, such as the significance of non-academic networks or communities (e.g. friends, families, and religious groups) for the psychologists' encouragement and intellectual growth. She also draws on feminist critiques of psychology to illuminate episodes of disciplinary failure, such as the history of unrecognized infant pain and the ethical lapses of the American Psychological Association outlined in the Hoffman Report. Her publications appear in the journals History of Psychology, Canadian Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Revista Psicologia e Saúde, and the Journal of Pain. For more information.